Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Well, we made our journey to the US Dept. of Homeland Security office in Durham to complete our fingerprints. Let me tell you, I was nervous and excited all at the same time.

So nervous in fact that I threw my appointment slip away with my coffee as soon as we entered the building into a very LARGE trashcan!

Here's the recap:

I happily pranced my way to the security guard and he says grimly, "ID and appointment slip.." I held out my hand and smiled. He looked at me then looked down at my hand. I then looked down and realized I was holding out only my license! So I slumped back to the very LARGE garbage can and dove headfirst in and luckily found my slip. I walked back over to the security guard, and handed it to him. He rolled his eyes, took my slip and sniffed it! Then he looked at me with raised eyebrows and said, "Coffee?" I shrugged and nodded, thankfully he then let us through.

Of course anyone who knows my husband, knows that he was standing there watching all of this just shaking his head. He is used to my excited nervous slipups by now I guess!

The rest of the appointment went smoothly. We made it safely through the metal detector, and then were finished with the whole thing in about 30 minutes! I was surprised at how quick and efficient the were.

So, now we just wait to hear from them. We are hoping by the end of January. Then we will send everything to Armenia. But we do have quite a bit of work to do on our dossier before then...sigh. It WILL happen, I know it will.

1 comment:

Twin Mommy said...

I'm glad things are moving along.