Saturday, September 20, 2008

Just in case you are wondering....

The number one thing not to say to someone who really wanted to be pregnant, but can't, and has chosen to pursue adoption:

1. "Just when you start adopting you'll get pregnant..I know such and such and it happened to them right away!"

Why you shouldn't say this: YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE SITUATION!!! This is a myth and most likely, no, we won't get pregnant just because now we are adopting. You hear about these stories because they are the exception...not the rule. Additionally, it implies that adopting is not as good as having a natural child. This is a choice we've made to grow our family...and it is just as good as a birth!!

I can't even tell you how many times I've heard this and how many times I've wanted to scream at the person saying it..however, instead I just smile and say politely, "And I would be delighted!" I'm so sick of it...please pass this on to your friends, tell everyone you know..stop it!!!!

1 comment:

Twin Mommy said...

Oh girl...I could come up with a ton. "You're young, you have plenty of time" "Maybe its because your overweight" "It just wasn't meant to be" "He wansn't really yours anyway..."

Or my absolute favorite...
"Guess what I'm pregnant"

Life just sucks! I like your blog girl. I will keep up with it :)